High-Frequency Trading (HFT) has revolutionized financial markets, enabling rapid and automated trading strategies. At the core of many HFT operations are expert advisors (EAs) – sophisticated software systems that execute trades based on complex algorithms. This review delves deep into the intricacies of HFT, and how proprietary trading firms leverage EAs to maintain a competitive edge in the fast-moving forex market. What Is High-Frequency Trading? High-Frequency Trading, often abbreviated as HFT, refers to the use of powerful computers and algorithms to execute a large number of orders at extremely high speeds. The primary goals are to capitalize on small price discrepancies and profit through rapid trading. The Role of Expert Advisors in HFT Expert Advisors (EAs) are automated trading systems that analyze market conditions and execute trades based on predefined criteria. For HFT traders, EAs are indispensable tools that bring several advantages: Speed and Efficiency: EAs can process vast amounts…    read more